50 side businesses to set up from home.
If you are one of the rising number of people working part-time, earn some extra cash in dog walking or rampant veg growing Putting your skills or knowledge to practical use can earn you some extra pounds. H appy days are here again – or so you might assume from a recent wave of optimistic reports about the economic outlook and rising consumer confidence . But while unemployment is down, the latest labour market figures reveal a surge in part-time jobs as employers remain anxious about long-term recovery prospects, suggesting it may not be time to hang out the bunting just yet. With more of us working fewer hours and with a resulting earnings gap to close, there's arguably never been a better time to set up a business you can run in your spare time from home. Whether it's to help make ends meet, or to follow your passion, or maybe even both, we've asked the experts to come up with 50 practical and cheap ways to make some extra cash.