Wow! That was a rough ride. What with all the negative news about MHI17, the Algerian plane disaster, Boko Haram, Ebola, etc and wait Gaza of course Gaza, well, Gaza? Oh my, Hamas and Israel- will the  two of you stop these killings,please, will you please stop shedding the blood of the innocents? Will you stop this destructions? Will you stop this annihilation? Will the two of you, the hard hearted Hamas (yes, because your people are dying in hundreds) and the stubborn Israel, stop this? why don’t you listen to the United Nations and stop this politics, yes politics, which in my own dictionary means takeover, yes, takeover-you mean you don’ t know that politics is all about taking over? Taking over a district, town or city, state, country and even the world, well this topic is for another day. Today for a short while, I would talk about health. Now- we know that moving machine parts require lubrication. This is necessary in order to reduce friction which causes the wear of machine parts. 
So is the human body but with adequate and necessary care, we would surely live a vibrant and healthy life. Now let us start from-

The constitution of man is made up of seven constitutions:
The first constitution is the elements, which are four in number:
Fire, which is hot and dry;
Air, which is hot and wet;
Water, which is cold and wet; and
Earth, which is cold and dry.

The second constitution is the temperaments, which are nine in number:
The first is an evenly balanced temperament. The second is an unevenly balanced temperament, which may be unmixed, being then hot, cold, wet, or dry. Or it may be an unevenly balanced but mixed temperament, being hot and dry, or hot and wet, or cold and dry, or cold and wet. The most evenly balanced of all temperament in the animal Kingdom is the temperament of man. No w, the temperament of youth is evenly balanced. The temperament of childhood inclines to wetness and that of maturity and old age to coldness. The most evenly balanced of the organs is the skin of the tip of the index finger and after this the… to be continued..

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