ISIS:Malaysians join ISIS as comfort women.
Women who join the terrorist group are encouraged to 'serve Islam' by providing domesticity for jihadists.
Following the controversial 2013 Wahhabi edict commanding Sunni women to offer their bodies to soldiers fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime, it is believed that at least three Malaysian women have joined the ISIS terrorists currently cutting a bloody swathe through Syria and Iraq.
ISIS has been known to use the Internet to recruit women to it’s cause, using slick marketing techniques to imply that there is no holier calling than to migrate and birth new fighters. Women who join are encouraged to provide domesticity for jihadists, and in doing so, serve Islam.
Umm Layth, supposedly a British woman married to a jihadist in Syria, has been known to tweet support for ISIS’ womenfolk, with a morbid joy for martyrdom. She tweeted, “Allahu Akbar, there’s no way to describe the feeling of sitting with the Akhawat waiting on news of whose husband has attained Shahadah,” while also providing advice to women on how to deal with relatives and parents who beg them to leave ISIS and come home.
Many of these sex jihadists and brides-to-be are not told of the strict lifestyle and punishments that await any who break ISIS’ rules. Women who exit their homes without chaperones or are not fully covered are targets for arrest and beatings, often by other women. A teenager in the city of Raqqa testified being held at gunpoint for not affixing her headdress properly. She was then tested on her knowledge of “prayer, fasting, and hijab.”
Malaysian women are far from the only ones to fall for ISIS’ honeypot, with Britain’s Interior Minister Theresa May attesting in June that “around 400 UK-linked individuals have gone out to fight in Syria, mainly young men but also some women,” and there are many reports coming out of Europe of girls running away from home to join ISIS.freemalaysiatoday.