How to Lose Those Last 15 Pounds
One of my favorite quotes is by famous nutritionist Adele Davis, who so eloquently said, “We are indeed much more than we eat …but what we eat can help us to become much more than who we are.” I am continually amazed at the results I witness in my private practice. After people have abused their bodies for years – whether it is smoking, stress, poor food choices, eating too much, or lack of exercise – with the proper changes, they still bounce back to healthhy and energetic living in 1-2 months time!
In my research and clinical practice, I have found the “tipping point” of whether you have a future of health, energy and disease free living, or whether you end up gaining excess weight triggering low energy, moodiness and a variety of associated disease (i.e. Type II diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer), all comes down to 15 pounds. Of course, the Last 15 principles are applicable for people of all different weights, and for those wishing to lose more (or less) than 15 pounds. It does not matter if you have 5, 15, or over 50 pounds to lose the principles are scientific and, when applied properly, can work for anyone. The concept of the last 15 pounds is in regards to a specific crossroads of health that depends on the choices and information you receive. In other words, what you do, or do not do, with what seems like a small amount of weight to lose can develop into health problems allowing disease processes to proliferate, or, if given the proper nutritional tools, transform into health and longevity.
Perhaps you have struggled with weight loss and weight loss programs in the past. In a nutshell, it is not your fault. Currently, the dieting paradigm in North America is based on marginal and temporary gains that keep you coming back for more. Think about the number of times you have been enticed by a weight loss ad that promises to take off 20 pounds by Christmas, or drop two dress sizes in time for the beach. Weight loss is routinely marketed as a magic pill, with a limited time offer requiring little investment of time and energy, and often leaves your pocket book feeling significantly lighter! It is also incredibly disheartening for a man or woman, who loses 20 pounds on a “system” or “program”, to gain it back only a short time later. No wonder people become fed up and give up. In addition, this constant up and down weight loss battle results in a sluggish metabolism, and causes feelings of frustration, deprivation, and even despair. Without proper nutritional knowledge and the understanding of the “why” and “what” behind certain food choices, people will either try yet another diet, or will give up and fall into acceptance that “I am just an overweight person.”
Although this article can not offer enough detail to review all of The Last 15 principles, I can offer some very helpful weight loss tips that will get the ball rolling and lead you to a path of optimal health and wellness. For example;
- Choose thermongenic foods such as protein, celery, fatty fish, or green tea. Thermogenic foods are harder to break down and therefore burn more calories when eaten.
- Do not skip meals. In order to lose weight permanently, it is critical to maintain proper blood sugar control. Having 3 meals and 1-2 balanced snacks daily is recommended.
- Make sure you have a protein option at every one of your main meals. Protein will help fill you up and triggers the secretion of a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon breaks down fat and causes the pounds to melt away.
- Eat carbohydrates! You do not need to be scared of carbohydrates if you would like to lose weight. In fact, carbohydrates break down into glucose (blood sugar) which is the body’s main source of fuel. Critical for weight loss are low glycemic index carbohydrates such as vegetables, most fruits, whole grains, and beans. Avoid high glycemic index carbohydrates such as mashed potatoes, refined flours and sugars, and soda pop. These food items tend to facilitate over secretion of the hormone insulin which leads to fat storage.
- Water yourself down! You must drink a minimum of 6-8 glasses of water per day to lose the weight and stay healthy.