20 Things You Go Through When You’re About to Hit Your 30s.
1. You realize that you were a college senior about a decade ago.
Law School/giphy.com
2. The classic rock station is now playing your favorite songs from high school.
3. 10 years ago you looked great in unnatural hair colors. Now you just look ridiculous.
Pink Hair/giphy.com
4. Your skin is starting to hang and small wrinkles are claiming territory around your eyes.
5. If you don’t have children then you probably have a furry little companion that’s like a child to you.
6. You catch yourself always checking out “mom” blogs.
Penny Computer/giphy.com
7. 10 Years ago your friends posted Facebook pictures of them partying, now they’re posting pictures of their children’s parties.
Baby Cries/giphy.com
8. 10 Years ago you could stay up all night and do anything, now you can’t wait to go home and get some sleep.
9. You and your parents have more things in common and you’ve become best friends.
10. An 8-year-old knows more about iPhones than you do.
11. When dining out, you overhear a 3-year-old asking the waitress for the Wi-Fi password. (True story: I was the waitress)
12. You still think that with the right look, you can pass for 20… that is, until you meet an actual 20 year old.
13. Getting carded is a compliment… Not getting carded is depressing.
14. You can’t keep up with modern slang and it irritates you when you learn it.
15. 10 Years ago your dream car was a convertible, now it’s a minivan.
16. Getting coupons in the mail is a blessing.
17. Shopping at the local farmer’s market is a weekend hobby together with bargain shopping.
18. By age 30, you realize that you’ve lived longer than a quarter of a century.
19. If you haven’t had children by the age of 30, your mother is always reminding you that there’s an expiration date on your biological clock.
20. Anti-wrinkle cream and sunscreen are your best friends.