6 Awesome Facts About Water That Will Surprise You.
1) Physicians use body water content to heal
In traditional Eastern medicine, a person’s well being is determined by the vibrations and resonance of the body’s water content. The physician reads the pulse as strong, weak, cold, or hot. They then prescribe treatment to the patient. They don’t treat the body with water, because depending on age the human body can be comprised of anywhere between 75% to 90% water.2) Water listens to music and expresses itself
Water actually listens to and responds to the sounds (sound waves) around it. When it listens to music or to certain intentions it creates a crystal pattern when it freezes. The sounds of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and heavy rock all produce different crystals; the classical pieces create geometrically balanced and beautiful crystals while heavy metal crystals are distorted and deformed.(Shown in order of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and heavy rock)
3) Water can hear you
When peaceful words are spoken to water, the crystal images come out extremely clear and balanced. When you speak with hatred or disgust the crystals come out deformed.Thank you
Excuse me
You disgust me.
4) Water can hold memory
“Within each of water’s memory cells there are 440,000 information panels each of which is responsible for its own type of interaction with the environment.”5) Water might hold the key to Earth’s history
The molecular structure of water is like the alphabet, pieces of the molecule which hold different amounts of memory/information can detach and be replaced over time. “It may be the single most malleable computer.” The molecular structure is very stable and can be held together for very long periods of time. Does that mean that water potentially holds the information of the Earth’s entire history?6) A liter and a half of water is absorbed through our skin when bathing or showering
Our water supply systems and artificial purification processes kill the natural structure of water and deform it. Water retains the memory of the chemicals, and pollution it was subjected to as it travels down kilometers of pipes with unnatural 90 degree corners and turns.However “most people don’t sense a difference between naturally pure and artificially purified water, but any animal will always prefer to drink spring water because it’s loaded with natural energies.”
Whatever we do to our water will leave an imprint and affect all natural systems of our beautiful world.
“Structured water is water in nature. If you take a gallon or ten gallons of water and pour it in a mountain stream at the top of the mountain and then collect it at the bottom, the water is structured. Structured water is free of memory. It has a balanced pH. The main contingent of structured water is life force energy, and that life force energy comes down to the water molecule itself. The water molecule has the power, the individual mandate to protect life, and that is to protect it from the things that are adverse to life and to generously provide the things that are good for life.”
Here are all the documentaries you need to learn about the mysteries of water.
The Memory of Water part 1 (this piece will introduce you to the essential experiments and provide scientific proof that water is alive)
ACQUAPHI- Water Memory and Structured Water (details about waters memory and molecular structure)
Houston we are diving, diving to the depths. “Are we dealing with water, physics , magic or alchemy?”
“The closer we get to water the more we will discover about ourselves too.”
If you are still watching this, you have officially passed the nerdy test.
If you are all the way down here then you are:
A) probably enjoying every bit of it
B) thinking about how we are going to change history!
C) Need to get back to work!
D) All of the above. *wink*