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The Real Roots of Midlife Crisis 2.
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I was happy to tell him that the odds are in his favor. My friend K.
is a 54-year-old woman whose trajectory somewhat resembles S.’s. She
had an exciting launch in her 20s (working “my dream job”), a sense of
continuing achievement but slowing momentum in her 30s (“sort of a
slog”), and an ambush in her 40s, when her father died, her mother had a
stroke, her husband left her after their daughter was born, and she was
laid off. Despite coping with all of that and doing well
professionally, even with her layoff (“I did better in my career; I made
more money”), she developed what she describes as a dark sense of humor
about her life, ruefully telling herself that at least she had so many
troubles that she couldn’t dwell on all of them at once.
In the past few years, things have turned upward, markedly so. K.’s
50s have brought not only less external turbulence but less on the
inside, too. “On a day-to-day basis, I probably do the same things, but I
feel different,” she says. Her values have shifted away from
work: “I could see that was not going to be a big source of achievement.
I measure my worth now by how I can help others and contribute to the
community. I enjoy the relationships that I’ve been able to nurture over
these years—longer-term friends, growing with those friends. It was
always striving and looking ahead, as opposed to being in the now and
feeling grateful for the now. I think I feel a great gratitude. When I
am in a situation when I can moan a little bit or feel bad about some of
the difficult things that have happened, the balance sheet is hugely on
the side of all the great things that have happened. And I think that
gratitude has helped me be both more satisfied and more giving.” She
describes her 50s, so far, as good and improving.
The same has been true for me. Though I still have my share of gloomy
days, I find it far easier than I did in my 40s to appreciate what I
have, even without writing down lists of good things, as I had to resort
to doing a decade ago. It certainly helps that my pet cause, gay
marriage, has met with success, and that I myself achieved legal
marriage at age 50. But something has changed inside, too, because in my
40s, I had plenty of success and none of it seemed adequate, which was
why I felt so churlish. For me, after a period when gratitude seemed to
have abandoned me, its return feels like a gift.
It turns out that there is good science about this gift: studies show
quite strongly that people’s satisfaction with their life increases, on
average, from their early 50s on through their 60s and 70s and even
beyond—for many until disability and final illness exact their toll
toward the very end (at which point it’s hard to generalize). In a 2011
study, for example, the Stanford University psychologist Laura
Carstensen and seven colleagues found that “the peak of emotional life
may not occur until well into the seventh decade”—a finding that is
“often met with disbelief in both the general population and the
research community,” despite its strength. Carstensen described to me
this pattern in her own life. “Forties were, for me, the worst,” she
said. “You’re never good enough professionally. I think you’re coming
out of the fog in the 50s.” Now, at 60, she said, “I feel so privileged.
I feel it now.” Elaine Wethington, a professor of human
development and sociology at Cornell, whose research likewise finds that
people become more satisfied and more optimistic later in life, is in
her early 60s and reports her own turning point at about age 50. “I feel
like I’ve reached a kind of flow in my work and career,” she told me.
No guarantees, of course, but reporting this article has led me to think
that the upturn I’ve felt in my 50s is likely to continue. As Andrew
Oswald exclaimed to me when I mentioned my own post-40s upswing: “Just
wait until you’re 60!” Of course, the most interesting
question, and unfortunately also the hardest question, is: Why is
happiness so often U-shaped? Why the common dissatisfaction in middle
age? And why the upswing afterward?
Part of the answer likely involves what researchers call selection
bias: unhappier people tend to die sooner, removing themselves from the
sample. Also, of course, middle age is often a stressful time, burdened
with simultaneous demands from jobs, kids, and aging parents. Those
explanations don’t seem adequate by themselves, though. I can attest
that I experienced the U-curve without dying off in the process; so do
other people, as we know from happiness research that follows
individuals over time. And recall that the U-curve often emerges after adjusting for other variables in life (children, income, job, marriage), so it is not purely situational.
A common hypothesis, and one that seems right to me, is alluded to by
Carstensen and her colleagues in their 2011 paper: “As people age and
time horizons grow shorter,” they write, “people invest in what is most
important, typically meaningful relationships, and derive increasingly
greater satisfaction from these investments.” Midlife is, for many
people, a time of recalibration, when they begin to evaluate their lives
less in terms of social competition and more in terms of social
connectedness. In my 40s, I found I was obsessively comparing my life
with other people’s: scoring and judging myself, and counting up the
ways in which I had fallen behind in a race. Where was my best seller?
My literary masterpiece? Barack Obama was younger than I, and look where
he was! In my 50s, like my friend K., I find myself more inclined to
prize and enjoy people and relationships, which mercifully seem to be
pushing the unwinnable status competition into the background. Also,
Carstensen told me, “when the future becomes less distant, more
constrained, people focus on the present, and we think that’s better for
emotional experience. The goals that are chronically activated in old
age are ones about meaning and savoring and living for the moment.”
These are exactly the changes that K. and others in my own informal
research sample reported.
In my own case, however, what seems most relevant is a change
frequently described both in popular lore and in the research
literature: for some reason, I became more accepting of my limitations.
“Goals, because they’re set in temporal context, change systematically
with age,” Carstensen says. “As people perceive the future as
increasingly constrained, they set goals that are more realistic and
easy to pursue.” For me, the expectation of scaling ever greater heights
has faded, and with it my sense of disappointment and failure.
The idea that the expectations gap closes with age has recently
received some empirical backing, in the form of fascinating findings by
Hannes Schwandt, a young economist at Princeton University’s Center for
Health and Wellbeing. He used a German longitudinal survey, with data
from 1991 to 2004, that, unusually, asked people about both their
current life satisfaction and their expected satisfaction five years
hence. That allowed him to compare expectations with subsequent reality
for the same individuals over time. To his own surprise, he found the
same result regardless of respondents’ economic status, generation, and
even whether they lived in western or eastern Germany (two very
different cultures): younger people consistently and markedly
overestimated how satisfied they would be five years later, while older
people underestimated future satisfaction. So youth is a period
of perpetual disappointment, and older adulthood is a period of pleasant
surprise. What’s more, Schwandt found that in between those two
periods, during middle age, people experienced a sort of double whammy:
satisfaction with life was declining (that’s the U-curve, which
manifested itself clearly), but expectations were also by then
declining (in fact, they were declining even faster than satisfaction
itself). In other words, middle-aged people tend to feel both
disappointed and pessimistic, a recipe for misery. Eventually, however,
expectations stop declining. They settle at a lower level than in youth,
and reality begins exceeding them. Surprises turn predominantly
positive, and life satisfaction swings upward. And the crossover, in
Schwandt’s sample, happened about where you would expect: in the 50s.
“This finding,” Schwandt writes, “supports the hypothesis that the
age U-shape in life satisfaction is driven by unmet aspirations that are
painfully felt during midlife but beneficially abandoned and felt with
less regret during old age.”
Okay, but why does this abandonment and reorientation seem to
happen so reliably in midlife? Firm explanations are some years away.
Still, clues have emerged from the realm of brain science, and they hint
at an answer that is both heartening and ancient. Dilip V. Jeste is a distinguished
psychiatrist with an unusual pedigree. On the “distinguished” side of
the ledger are his multiple professorial titles at the University of
California at San Diego, his recent presidency of the American
Psychiatric Association, and his record as one of the country’s most
prolific geriatric psychiatrists. Awards and certifications take up an
entire wall of his office and range from the American College of
Psychiatrists’ Award for Research in Geriatric Psychiatry to San Diego Magazine’s
“Top Doctors 2013.” On the “unusual” side is his upbringing in a small
town in India (he speaks with a lilting Marathi accent), his decision to
focus his medical career on helping the elderly age successfully rather
than on merely treating their ailments—and his belief that wisdom is a
concept that belongs not just to Aesop and Aristotle but to cutting-edge
neuroscience. Jeste, who is 70 and thin enough to look frail until you
notice his nimble gait, is no mystic. He and his colleagues use
magnetic-scanning technology and batteries of psychological tests to
peer into the brain for clues to how the mind and emotions work.
As a teenager in India, Jeste came across Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams.
“It was like an Agatha Christie mystery,” he says, and it put him on
the path to a degree in psychiatry and a research career in the United
States, first at the National Institutes of Health and then at UCSD.
Studying elderly schizophrenics, he was startled to find that they did
better as they aged. That led him to explore how people can age
successfully—that is, happily—despite health problems and other adverse
circumstances. In 2006, and again in 2013, he published findings that
people feel better, not worse, about their lives as they move through
their later decades, even with the onset of chronic health problems that
would lead one to expect distress or depression. “It was really a big
surprise,” he says.
“The question I asked,” Jeste told me, “was, ‘Is there anything
cognitive that actually improves with aging?’ That led me to think about
wisdom. I started wondering whether the life satisfaction we were
seeing in older people was related to their becoming wiser with age, in
spite of physical disability.”
His medical colleagues were skeptical, to say the least, telling him
that the study of wisdom should be left to philosophers, not
neuroscientists or psychiatrists. “I took that as a challenge.” Jeste
grew up in a world steeped in reverence for wisdom. “It’s cultural,
growing up in India,” he said. “We read the Gita, the Hindu Bible, as it
were. But the Gita really is a document about what a wise person should
do.” In recent years, Western psychiatry has generated a very small but
scientifically legitimate body of research literature on wisdom.
Surveying both modern research and ancient texts, Jeste found that the
concept of wisdom has stayed “surprisingly similar” across centuries and
across geographic regions: “All across the world, we have an implicit
notion of what a wise person is.” The traits of the wise tend to include
compassion and empathy, good social reasoning and decision making,
equanimity, tolerance of divergent values, comfort with uncertainty and
ambiguity. And the whole package is more than the sum of the parts,
because these traits work together to improve life not only for the wise
but also for their communities. Wisdom is pro-social. (Has any society
ever wanted less of it?) Humans, Jeste says, live for an unusually long
time after their fertile years; perhaps wisdom provides benefits to our
children or our social groups that make older people worth keeping
around, from an evolutionary perspective.
“Wisdom is useful at any age,” he says. “But from an evolutionary
point of view, younger people are fertile, so even if they’re not wise,
they’re okay. But older people need to find some other way that they can
contribute to the survival of the species.” It’s also possible, he
says, that “competitiveness may be more favored in the young, and more
emotional regulation, more tolerance of diversity, more insight, in
older people.” In any case, the very universality of the concept of
wisdom, Jeste believes, suggests some biological basis. Which is why
he’s seeking wisdom’s roots in the brain.
“The peak of emotional life may not occur until well into the seventh decade.”
In San Diego this summer, I watched as Jeste and Lisa Eyler, a
clinical psychologist at UCSD, conducted brain-imaging experiments to
learn how older people process tasks related to compassion—an element of
wisdom. They greeted J., a 71-year-old business coach, and outfitted
her with earplugs, a head-mounted optical device that let her see
projected images, a “button box” that let her respond to what she saw,
and a panic button to stop the experiment. Then she was swallowed by a
massive and impressively noisy functional-MRI scanning machine. She
spent an hour performing tasks designed to stimulate both cognitive and
emotional centers—remembering letters, matching facial expressions—while
computers recorded images of her brain at work. This was followed by
half an hour in front of a laptop as a postdoctoral researcher conducted
a standardized empathy test, showing J. photos—some images benign, some
upsetting—and recording her reactions. Finally came an interview with a
clinician. Did J. consider herself a wise person? Sometimes—more so
when she had time to reflect than when she was in a crisis. Had her
wisdom increased with age? Yes, definitely. Had that made a difference?
Yes again; she had learned not to act so precipitously, and she was
better at seeing the best in others, even if it didn’t show on the
surface. All of this information would be collated with results from
dozens of other subjects and combed for insights into the neurology of
compassion in older people; those results, in turn, will add a tile to
the wisdom mosaic.
The science of wisdom is in its infancy, and as of now there is no
evidence, Jeste says, that people get wiser as a result of aging per se
(as opposed to learning from experience over time—also, of course, an
element of wisdom). And there is no “wisdom organ” in the brain. Wisdom
is an inherently multifarious trait, an emergent property of many other
functions. (A psychological screening test for wisdom contains 39 quite
diverse questions, although psychologists at UCSD are working on
reducing the number to a more manageable dozen or so.)
But it does look likely that some elements of aging are conducive to
wisdom, and to greater life satisfaction. In a 2012 paper evocatively
titled “Don’t Look Back in Anger! Responsiveness to Missed Chances in
Successful and Nonsuccessful Aging,” a group of German neuroscientists,
using brain scans and other physical tests of mental and emotional
activity, found that healthy older people (average age: 66) have “a
reduced regret responsiveness” compared with younger people (average
age: 25). That is, older people are less prone to feel unhappy about
things they can’t change—an attitude consistent, of course, with ancient
traditions that see stoicism and calm as part of wisdom. In fact, it is
well established that older people’s brains react less strongly to
negative stimuli than younger people’s brains do. “Young people just
have more negative feelings,” Elaine Wethington, the Cornell professor,
told me. Older brains may thus be less susceptible to the furies that
buffet us earlier in life. Also, as Laura Carstensen, the Stanford
psychologist, told me (summarizing a good deal of evidence), “Young
people are miserable at regulating their emotions.” Years ago, my father
made much the same point when I asked him why in his 50s he stopped
having rages, which had shadowed his younger years and disrupted our
family: “I realized I didn’t need to have five-dollar reactions to
nickel provocations.”
Other studies find that social reasoning and long-term decision
making improve with age; that spirituality increases (especially among
women); that older adults feel more comfortable coping with uncertainty
and ambiguity. Particularly intriguing are findings by Jeste and his
colleagues suggesting that older people compensate for deterioration in
specific regions of the brain by recruiting additional neural networks
in other regions—an increase in so-called neuroplasticity that
compensates for cognitive decline and perhaps brings other benefits.
Jeste also notes that the brain circuits linked to rewards lose some
sensitivity with age, possibly reducing impulsivity and addictive
None of this, again, proves that people automatically get wiser with
age (or more satisfied, or more calm, or more grateful). Many young
people are wise, and many old people are not. It does hint, however,
that aging changes us in ways that make it easier to be wise (and satisfied, and calm, and grateful). And I believe it suggests the need to rethink the meaning of midlife. In the 1990s and early 2000s, when
David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald and Carol Graham and others began
investigating the U-curve, almost no one seemed interested. And now?
“It’s ridiculous,” Graham told me. “I can’t keep up with it.” In a few
years, science will know a great deal more about the relationship
between aging and life satisfaction, and it may even be able to apply
some of that knowledge in ways that help us get through the hard patches
and be, or become, wise. I believe, though, that the larger
significance of the U-curve is not scientific or medical at all, but
cultural. The U-curve offers an opportunity for society to tell a
different and better story about life in middle age and beyond: a story
that is more accurate and more forgiving and much less embarrassing and
The dominant story now, of course, is the narrative of midlife
crisis. Although the idea of middle age as a distinct time of life dates
back to the 19th century (according to Patricia Cohen, the author of In Our Prime: The Invention of Middle Age),
the idea of a midlife crisis as such is quite recent, first appearing
in 1965, in an article by the late psychologist Elliott Jaques. In 1974,
in her best-selling book Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life, Gail Sheehy depicted midlife crisis with the example of a 40-year-old man who
has reached his professional goal but feels depressed and
unappreciated. He blames his job or his wife or his physical
surroundings for imprisoning him in this rut. Fantasies of breaking out
begin to dominate his thoughts. An interesting woman he has met, another
field of work, an Elysian part of the country—any or all of these
become magnets for his wishes of deliverance. But once these objects of
desire become accessible, the picture often begins to reverse itself.
The new situation appears to be the dangerous trap from which he longs
to take flight by returning to his old home base and the wife and
children whose loss suddenly makes them dear.
No wonder many wives stand aghast.
This is not a bad description of how I felt in my 40s. All praise to
Sheehy for her insight. Note, however, the element of disapproval that
creeps in as “wives stand aghast.” Society stands aghast, too. Almost as
soon as it was born, the social narrative of midlife crisis took on
connotations of irresponsibility, escapism, self-indulgence, antisocial
behavior. Wethington, the Cornell psychologist, found in research she
published in 2000 that about a quarter of Americans reported
experiencing a midlife crisis, and that many who disclaimed the notion
regarded midlife crisis as a lame excuse for behaving immaturely. The
term crisis also contributes to the stigma, because it suggests a
shock or disruption or loss of control, when the evidence points to
something much more like an extended and unpleasant but manageable
The story of the U-curve, I think, tells an emotionally fairer and
more accurate tale. It is a story not of chaos or disruption but of a
difficult yet natural transition to a new equilibrium. And I find that
when I tell troubled middle-aged people about it, their reaction is one
of relief. Just knowing that the phenomenon is common can be
therapeutic. Hannes Schwandt, of Princeton, notes what he calls a
feedback effect: “Part of your disappointment is driven by the
disappointment itself.” If more people understood how common the
U-shaped pattern is, they might be less inclined to make the forecasting
errors that contribute to disappointment—and also less inclined to
judge themselves harshly for feeling disappointed.
“When I give lectures, I say we’re stuck with this,” Andrew Oswald
told me, “but at least you know it’s completely normal if you’re feeling
low in your 40s.” He adds: “And when you’re low, you blame the wrong
things.” People thrash around for explanations, which can lead to
attribution errors and bad decisions. And those, of course, can bring on
what really is a stereotypical midlife crisis, complete with
lurching change and ill-judged behavior. In my late 40s, my own nameless
dissatisfaction, like a parasitic wasp searching for a host, fixed upon
my career and pestered me with an unbidden and unwelcome but insistent
urge to quit my magazine column—today, right now, what was I
waiting for? Fortunately my better judgment and my friends stopped me
from acting on what would have been a useless and self-destructive whim.
Still, in hindsight, I wish I had been forewarned that the U-curve, not
my column, was the likely source of my discontent, and that a lot of
other people, and possibly also a lot of other primates, were in the
same boat.
Science has a great deal to learn about the intersection of aging and
happiness, but I don’t think it is too early to begin spreading the
word about the U-curve. And so I tell people in their 30s and 40s that
nothing is written in stone, and that they may sail through midlife in
grand emotional style—but if not, they aren’t alone, and usually it gets
better, so march through it and don’t do anything stupid. When George
Orwell was 40 (he died at only 46), he wrote: “Any life when viewed from
the inside is simply a series of defeats.” He was wrong, thank
goodness—as perhaps I am gaining the wisdom to see. The Happiness U-Curve
An analysis by the Brookings scholars Carol Graham and Milena
Nikolova, drawing on Gallup polls, shows a clear relationship between
age and well-being in the United States. Respondents rated their life
satisfaction relative to the “best possible life” for them, with 0 being
worst and 10 being best. theatlantic.
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