How to make a diamond from scratch - with peanut butter.
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Understanding the way diamonds are formed deep in the Earth could
explain how life evolved on our planet. So a team in Germany are
attempting to forge the gemstones themselves, from carbon dioxide – and
peanut butter. David Robson reports.
Every so often, Dan Frost hears a dull thud and his office floor
vibrates. It can only mean one thing: one of his experiments has
exploded again. Making his way downstairs to his lab, he finds the shock
is written on the faces of his colleagues still in the lab. From where
they were working, it felt like a small bomb had exploded, and their
pupils are still dilated with fear. “It sounds horrific,” he says
apologetically. “But it’s not dangerous – everything is protected.”The odd explosion is part of the job. A scientist at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut in Germany, Frost is attempting to mimic the conditions of the Earth’s lower mantle, thousands of kilometres below our feet. That involves crushing rocks to some of the highest pressures known to humankind; little wonder there are the odd mishaps. As part of this work, Frost has found some surprising ways to make diamonds – from carbon dioxide for instance. And peanut butter. Yes, peanut butter.
Compared to our enormous advances in space exploration, we still know precious little about the world lying beneath our feet. Elementary geology tells us that the Earth’s interior can be divided into rough layers: the core, and the lower and upper mantle, and the crust. But their exact composition is still a mystery – and that’s a major gap in our knowledge.
(Science Photo Library)
A second anvil then crushes the newly formed minerals so that they resemble those found in even deeper reaches of the Earth. It is made from two tiny gem-quality diamonds that slowly squeeze the crystals. “It’s like having a very pointy pair of stiletto heels,” he says. The result is 1.3 million times that of atmospheric pressure. While the sample is still in this device, he then measures the way sound waves travel through the resulting crystal. By comparing this data to readings of seismic waves travelling through the Earth’s interior, he can work out whether his sample is close to the composition of the mantle.
Carbon sink
His findings have been somewhat surprising: the mantle does not seem to hold a high enough proportion of silicon to match the composition of meteorites. Perhaps it has sunk even deeper, to the core, says Frost. Another possibility is that the Earth initially had a much bigger crust, full of silicon that was then blasted away through impacts with meteorites. Alternatively, we may need to rethink the raw materials that the Earth was first made from in the first place.
The process of intense pressure has also created the mineral ringwoodite, a deep-blue magnesium iron silicate that seems to hold water. The results suggest that the mantle may be hiding “oceans” deep in the Earth.
Frost is hardly likely to make a fortune from his harvest; the diamonds take an agonisingly long time to grow. “If we wanted a two-or-three-millimetre diamond, we would need to leave it for weeks,” he says. That hasn’t stopped him experimenting with other sources for his diamond maker, however; at the behest of a German TV station, he attempted to create some diamonds from carbon-rich peanut butter. “A lot of hydrogen was released that destroyed the experiment,” he says, “but only after it had been converted to diamond.”
Surface interactions
On a more serious note, his institute is looking at whether they can make artificial diamonds with different properties; doping the diamonds with boron might make better semiconductors for electronics that don’t heat up with use, for instance– one of the biggest wastes of energy in electronics at the moment.
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