Ted Cruz's Announcement Disrespects The Founding Fathers, American Tradition And Non-Christians.
As a result of this tradition—and while recognizing that such an announcement does, in the reality of our times, serve as the launching point for the grueling primary gauntlet most candidates will be forced to endure—the moment of tossing one’s hat into the ring has, without exception so far as I can tell, traditionally taken place on ‘neutral’ territory designed to convey commitment to the civic interest rather than religious belief.
Indeed, many are my memories of hopeful men and women who stood before their home town city hall, their state capital, a factory, a school, or other like locations to toss their hat into the ring. These choices have always been designed to reinforce one of the greatest traditions of our nation—that anyone among us, no matter where we come from or the circumstances of our personal history, can rise to be President of the United States.
These choices have also traditionally been calibrated so as to convey solidarity with average Americans so that they too can feel included in the process.
Of course, I understand that these notions are somewhat quaint in an era where only those capable of raising big bucks can hope to achieve the highest office in the land—but it is a notion that stirs a certain patriotism within that is part of the fun and glory of being an American. What’s more, it is a notion that, up until now, all candidates for the highest office in the land have seen fit to honor.
Apparently, Texas Senator and newly announced candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination, Ted Cruz, has little use for this important American tradition.
Yesterday, the Tea Party favorite chose a location to announce his quest for the presidency that has, so far as I can ascertain, never been chosen before in our nation’s history—a religious institution that, according to it’s own description, offers “a world-class Christian education” for the purpose of “training champions for Christ”.
.(Photo by Matt McClain/ The Washington Post via Getty Images)
Cruz embarked on his march to the White House before a crowd of some 10,000 students at Liberty University—a number that would have been terribly impressive for such an event were it not for the fact that attendance was compulsory —where the Senator would spent the first part of his speech extolling the virtues of Jesus Christ and the importance the Christian faith played in keeping his family together.
While I respect any peaceful religion just as I respect anyone who practices their particular religion in a peaceful manner—and I have no doubt that Senator Cruz participates in his own religion in such a manner just as I appreciate and honor the benefits his religion bestowed on his family—I have to admit that, as someone who was not raised in the Christian faith, I felt kind of left out of the party.
I’m not afraid to admit that I have always enjoyed the moment a presidential candidate throws his or her hat into the ring, even if there is no chance I will be supporting that candidate. The rousing speeches and tributes to America delivered in surroundings designed to be uniquely American always puts a smile on my face.
Now, I get that Senator Cruz chose the site of his announcement so as to appeal to the evangelicals who form the base of his political support. I also understand that Cruz very purposefully chose the first part of his speech to strike a chord with these particular voters.
But I could not help but feel that, in willfully ignoring our traditions, Senator Cruz was also willfully ignoring me along with the many Americans who practice a different faith or no faith at all.
I also could not help but
wonder whether the Senator, who fervently claims that his belief in the
United States Constitution is the lynchpin of his political approach to
governing, has any idea whatsoever as to what the Constitution bestows
on his fellow countrymen and women and what it expects from those who
wish to lead us.
There is no shortage of American Christians, including Senator Cruz’s father , who believe that the United States was created by Christians to be a Christian nation.
However, their wishing this to be the case simply doesn’t make it so.After all, how could it when the majority of our Founders were not Christians at all?
Call me crazy, but it seems logical to expect that had our nation been intended to be a Christian nation, there would have been some reference to the same in the Constitution—and yet there is none. Indeed, the words, “God”, “Jesus Christ”, “Christianity”, “Bible”, and “Creator” are never so much as mentioned in our founding document —not even once.
In fact, the only time religion is discussed in the Constitution is in Article 6, Section 3 requiring that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
Yes, the Declaration of Independence does make reference to our Creator. But the Declaration of Independence is not the rock upon which this country was built and Senator Cruz would be, if his past statements are to be believed, among the first to confirm the truth of this statement. The Declaration of Independence is, in fact, an historical document while the Constitution is our governing document—and a document that never so much as suggests that Christianity, or any other practice of religion, is the religion of the land or “the” religion at the core of our founding beliefs.
Still not convinced that our country was not created by the Founders as a Christian nation?
Then maybe you should take a gander at the Treaty of Tripoli, a document written during the term and under the supervision of President George Washington and submitted for ratification to the Senate by President John Adams — a Senate that was packed with Founders of the new nation.
The treaty, which was unanimously approved by the Senate, specifically states that the United States was not, “in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
I’m not sure how it could be any clearer.
This is not to say that there were none among the Founders who desired to make the newly established country a Christian nation.
Founder John Jay was, indeed, an orthodox Christian who believed that the USA should be a Christian nation and argued that Catholics should be prohibited from holding office. In 1816 Jay wrote, “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”
For many who care to adopt the notion that we are a Christian nation, the words of John Jay serve as some sort of proof of their belief. However, John Jay—and anyone who may have agreed with him—were decidedly not in the majority and, as a result, their desires did not carry the day.
It must also be noted that the majority of the nation’s Founders were Deists, not Christians. They believed that the universe had a creator, but that the creator was not particularly concerned with what we humans were up to on a day-to-day basis. Further, while most of the Founders acknowledged the historical existence of Jesus, and liked what he had to say, those who identified as Deists did not accept Jesus as a divinity.
Knowing what the Founders had in mind
for our nation, one has to wonder how they would have reacted to Senator
Cruz’s choices in making his announcement yesterday. One must wonder
how they would have felt about a candidate who launched his announcement
to lead the American people with a long dissertation about Jesus rather
than a dissertation on the greatness of the nation or the needs of its
people. One most wonder how they would have felt about a candidate who
announces his candidacy from the halls of a religious institution that
is dedicated to the needs and beliefs of some of the people, but
certainly not all of the people.
Personally, I think most of our Founders were turning over in their graves.
You must also ask yourself
how every other candidate in American history who announced for the
nation’s highest office managed to understand that it was important that
the symbolism surrounding such a declaration speak to all the people and not just those who share the religious beliefs of the candidate.
Ted Cruz had to know this yet, yesterday, Ted Cruz let it be known
that he is not the least bit interested in people like me—and by ‘me’ I
am not referring to my politics or my policy preferences, although
seeking the presidency should mean a commitment to serve the interests
of even those who disagree with the candidate.Rather, Ted Cruz revealed that he was only interested in making the statement to the religious right that he is their man while making it clear that he could care less about the traditions of our nation which call for our leaders to represent and care for the concerns of all the people—not just those who share the candidate’s religious beliefs.
Of course, Cruz’s choices were legal and his to make.
And while the Senator’s choice will likely be forgotten in the big picture—just as I suspect Ted Cruz will ultimately be forgotten in the big picture of American history—his choice served to, in a small but profound way, tarnish the proud traditions of this country.
If Senator Cruz really wants to ‘imagine’ a better America, he might begin by imagining a campaign that begins with a statement of inclusion and belief in all of America’s people, not just those who meet his own religious litmus test.