How Much Has 'Destiny' Been Held Back By Xbox 360 And PS3?
past weekend, Bungie announced that they were adding in a popular
feature that Destiny fans have been requesting practically since launch, larger vault sizes for item storage.
Even though a relatively small percentage of players have full or
almost full vaults, Bungie realizes it’s still one of the most
sought-after additions to the game, so they’re trying to oblige
But now we’re getting a look at why it might have taken so long to
implement. In explaining how the new vaults will expand from 20 to 24
(for armor and items) or 20 to 36 (for weapon hoarders), Bungie revealed
that a sacrifice has to be made on the last-gen versions of the game.8y055t60
“We had a choice, leave the Vault as-is, or find some kind of compromise to enable it safely,” said Bungie’s Brad Fish, engineering lead for UI. “We weighed the options, with player feedback in mind, and decided to move forward with the expansion by disabling the item comparison feature within the Vault on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.”
Item comparisons are helpful in most RPGs, but I seldom see them used all that much in Destiny, so perhaps the 360 and PS3 versions won’t miss them. But I think this raises an interesting question about the game as a whole, and what else has been held back because of PS3 and Xbox 360′s limitations.
As a games journalist elitist with a PS4 and an Xbox One, I often fail to remember just how much of the market is still on last-gen consoles. Yes, PS4 has sold 20 million units and Xbox One isn’t all that far behind that, but in total, the last-gen systems of PS3 and 360 have sold ~80 million units each. Even if some of those are broken or in Gamestop basements somewhere, it’s still a dominant portion of the market, and why for the first year or two after the launch of a new console, we still see last-gen versions of games developed frequently.
It is, in part, some of the reason that games developed near the end of a console’s lifecycle can be dramatically more impressive than early releases. Yes, developers managed to squeeze every inch of power out of the system which helps, but also most no longer have to worry about any constraints of the last-gen. And regardless of when they were released, many of the most impressive, memorable, enormous games of the last console generation were only for that generation. Gears of War, Halo 3, Uncharted, BioShock, etc, were not concerned with last-gen compatibility, even when systems like the PS2 also had a huge existing install base. That has changed significantly.
Sometimes, it’s not all that big of a deal. We see it in a series like Call of Duty, where at launch, Ghosts was an upconverted title from last-gen, while the following year, Advanced Warfare was downconverted for older consoles. Certainly AW was a more advanced game that its predecessor (no pun intended), but the difference wasn’t that stark, given the relatively linear nature of COD campaigns, and boxed-in multiplayer maps.
But where we do see this manifest most prominently is in a game like Destiny. Even though Destiny is an inarguable success by this point (no matter how loudly naysayers may disagree), there was a period of surprise and disappointment around launch when players realized the game they envisioned in their heads was different than the one they were getting. They were told tales of enormous planets to explore, but instead, they got a handful of “zones” locked into very specific regions of the map. It was open world-”ish” but definitely not what players had in mind. Past that, even if some of the spaces are sprawling, they’re empty, devoid of much else besides random pockets of enemies that turn into larger pockets of enemies if you’re rolling through the area on a specific mission. Overall, Destiny was a lot smaller and emptier than most imagined it would be.
This new storage space issue reinforces the idea that many aspects of Destiny have been limited by the game trying to contort itself to work on last-gen consoles. If storage space on vaults couldn’t even be increased without hacking something off the PS3/360 versions, it’s certainly the case that map size and depth was limited by similar kinds of restrictions.
This isn’t meant to be a “this is why Destiny sucks” observation, however. If anything, it makes me hopeful for the future of the franchise, as things can only go up from here.
According a leaked schedule, Destiny will spend the next year and a half churning out more content for the first game, before releasing a sequel in fall 2016. A two year development cycle filled with last-game DLC seems relatively short for a game like Destiny, so I have my doubts about that schedule’s accuracy. If anything, I think it’s going to be three or four years before Destiny 2, but the good news is that by that point, last-gen will be a much less prominent consideration, if the game even comes out for 360 and PS3 at all. That may disappoint some players, but it’s a somewhat reasonable expectation that many will have upgraded by that point.
That will free up Destiny, in theory, to be what it was always meant to be, a sprawling experience about exploration through much larger areas filled with hopefully more than empty space and scattered enemies. Right now, the game has limited itself for many reasons, but one of the biggest ones is last-gen consoles. Free of that restriction, the possibilities are endless.
“We had a choice, leave the Vault as-is, or find some kind of compromise to enable it safely,” said Bungie’s Brad Fish, engineering lead for UI. “We weighed the options, with player feedback in mind, and decided to move forward with the expansion by disabling the item comparison feature within the Vault on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.”
Item comparisons are helpful in most RPGs, but I seldom see them used all that much in Destiny, so perhaps the 360 and PS3 versions won’t miss them. But I think this raises an interesting question about the game as a whole, and what else has been held back because of PS3 and Xbox 360′s limitations.
As a games journalist elitist with a PS4 and an Xbox One, I often fail to remember just how much of the market is still on last-gen consoles. Yes, PS4 has sold 20 million units and Xbox One isn’t all that far behind that, but in total, the last-gen systems of PS3 and 360 have sold ~80 million units each. Even if some of those are broken or in Gamestop basements somewhere, it’s still a dominant portion of the market, and why for the first year or two after the launch of a new console, we still see last-gen versions of games developed frequently.
It is, in part, some of the reason that games developed near the end of a console’s lifecycle can be dramatically more impressive than early releases. Yes, developers managed to squeeze every inch of power out of the system which helps, but also most no longer have to worry about any constraints of the last-gen. And regardless of when they were released, many of the most impressive, memorable, enormous games of the last console generation were only for that generation. Gears of War, Halo 3, Uncharted, BioShock, etc, were not concerned with last-gen compatibility, even when systems like the PS2 also had a huge existing install base. That has changed significantly.
Sometimes, it’s not all that big of a deal. We see it in a series like Call of Duty, where at launch, Ghosts was an upconverted title from last-gen, while the following year, Advanced Warfare was downconverted for older consoles. Certainly AW was a more advanced game that its predecessor (no pun intended), but the difference wasn’t that stark, given the relatively linear nature of COD campaigns, and boxed-in multiplayer maps.
But where we do see this manifest most prominently is in a game like Destiny. Even though Destiny is an inarguable success by this point (no matter how loudly naysayers may disagree), there was a period of surprise and disappointment around launch when players realized the game they envisioned in their heads was different than the one they were getting. They were told tales of enormous planets to explore, but instead, they got a handful of “zones” locked into very specific regions of the map. It was open world-”ish” but definitely not what players had in mind. Past that, even if some of the spaces are sprawling, they’re empty, devoid of much else besides random pockets of enemies that turn into larger pockets of enemies if you’re rolling through the area on a specific mission. Overall, Destiny was a lot smaller and emptier than most imagined it would be.
This new storage space issue reinforces the idea that many aspects of Destiny have been limited by the game trying to contort itself to work on last-gen consoles. If storage space on vaults couldn’t even be increased without hacking something off the PS3/360 versions, it’s certainly the case that map size and depth was limited by similar kinds of restrictions.
This isn’t meant to be a “this is why Destiny sucks” observation, however. If anything, it makes me hopeful for the future of the franchise, as things can only go up from here.
According a leaked schedule, Destiny will spend the next year and a half churning out more content for the first game, before releasing a sequel in fall 2016. A two year development cycle filled with last-game DLC seems relatively short for a game like Destiny, so I have my doubts about that schedule’s accuracy. If anything, I think it’s going to be three or four years before Destiny 2, but the good news is that by that point, last-gen will be a much less prominent consideration, if the game even comes out for 360 and PS3 at all. That may disappoint some players, but it’s a somewhat reasonable expectation that many will have upgraded by that point.
That will free up Destiny, in theory, to be what it was always meant to be, a sprawling experience about exploration through much larger areas filled with hopefully more than empty space and scattered enemies. Right now, the game has limited itself for many reasons, but one of the biggest ones is last-gen consoles. Free of that restriction, the possibilities are endless.
When Xbox One makes a game
a generational exclusive, we get Sunset Overdrive. When PS4 does it, we
get Bloodborne. Many of the best games of this generation are ones that
don’t feel the need to anchor themselves to the past, and I think we’re
going to be able to put Destiny in that category someday.